A great example of exciting new technology at its best is the Lennox 25 SEER heat pump! If you want to see a Lennox 25 SEER heat pump stop by John Henry's Plumbing, Heating, Air, and Electrical’s booth at the Home Builder’s Association of Lincoln Home Show this weekend at the Lancaster Event Center. The show is from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM Saturday and 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Sunday. We have other exciting technology to share too!!
For instance, are you interested in the state-of-the-art dispatching techniques that work well? A John Henry's Plumbing, Heating, Air, and Electrical’s Customer Service Representative (CSR) will be at the home show to demonstrate how we schedule service requests or bid requests. This innovative technology starts with the CSR using four computer screens at one computer station.
One screen displays important customer information that sets the tone for a successful relationship that we call “Customers for Life”. Customer information and special instructions are entered while they are taken. We believe sharing info from our customers to our technicians like “beware of the dog” is important!
A second screen shows customer history while scheduling information is entered. We believe knowing details like equipment and maintenance history is an important step in serving you better. That information is stored in our customer database and is readily available the next time you call for service. We even track things like the size of your furnace filter.
The third screen is for our Global Positioning System (GPS) locations to show where the closest technician is to your neighborhood. Yes, our technicians are all over our community and within a 40-mile or so radius of Lincoln. They seem to be constantly on the move! Knowing where technicians are is cost-saving for all involved because it reduces miles driven and improves response time. It also helps verify the total time spent on a service call.
The fourth screen is an instant messaging program to communicate with technicians and schedule their next calls. This allows communication when it is convenient for the CSR and technician, which is not during a service call that you are paying for!
In addition to the Lennox 25 SEER heat pump, we will also have heating and air conditioning equipment that meets all needs. We call it the Good, Better, & Best approach. We do this because everyone has different needs, and we respect that. We also have new 2-year equipment “Test Drive” warranty to share.
Need a water heater? Check out our good, better, and best water heaters. You may be surprised at the choices in water heaters today. There are options for all needs.
Two of the best Comfort Consultants in our community will be in our booth. They can solve your heating and air conditioning needs (don’t tell them I said they are honest and caring because it will probably embarrass them!).
On a personal note t, the “knight in shining faucets” has left us. Harry F. Knight passed away last week. Many of you knew Harry F. Knight as a founder and past owner of Knight’s Plumbing which was located at 2371 “O” Street. Knights was in business since 1955 and people from all walks of life passed through their doors.
Knight’s was kind of an icon for being known as a “do it yourself” headquarters for people from all walks of life. Even experienced plumbers went there for advice from experts that could rebuild most faucets. That expertise was valuable since there have been well over 5,000 different styles of faucets through the years.
Knight’s was well known for having a huge assortment of antique plumbing parts and fixtures that were difficult to find. All things come to pass. Years after Harry sold Knights Plumbing, the inventory was auctioned off.
Fate pulled Harry F. Knight and me together last year for one final time. Leonard Rosenberry, a mutual friend, brought Harry Knight to John Henry's Plumbing, Heating, Air, and Electrical’s for a visit. Harry wanted to see the John Henry's Plumbing, Heating, Air, and Electrical “museum” of plumbing trade parts and also share some history he learned through his 91 years on this earth.
One of my goals is to write a book on plumbing, heating, and air conditioning history for our community. I am grateful to Harry Knight for that interesting history lesson. Harry Knight left his mark in our community and will be missed.
I plan to be in the Home Show booth most of the weekend. If you can’t stop, please at least wave as you go by.