A very moving TV show that can tug at our hearts is This Is Us. It’s about the life of a couple that had triplets and one died at birth. At that exact moment in time a newborn African American baby appeared at the hospital. The couple adopted Randall, who through time had some common struggles living in their predominantly white world. When Randall was ready to go to college he explained in life “he just always felt “off balance” somehow. Life was just more complicated”.
Randall’s father explained we will all be “off balance” at times and we must search for ways to become balanced. We become stronger as we find balance. Life can get better. Heartfelt scenes like this throughout the show puts life in a better perspective.
Our world today can make us feel “off balance”. Each of us have lived through times and situations that throw us off balance. A good example when I felt “off balance” was growing up during the Vietnam war years.
Those years were a sad time for our country since there was a major divide between beliefs of why the United States was fighting in that war. According to my professor at Doane College over 30 countries were supporting the war in various ways. Was it a war that we could ever have won?
In addition to all the countries involved in the war, politicians and reporters were lying to us. The youth believed we could not trust anyone over 30. Most protestors wanting peace publicly disrespected our military (thanks for serving!) as they returned home to the United States. Our country was unfortunately torn apart and not “balanced”.
Today the United States continues to be torn apart politically for different reasons. There is too much finger-pointing and taking sides. It’s difficult to feel like we belong to any one side. There are typically potential solutions. We deserve better. Why not come together with solutions from everyone? Beyond these thoughts, the theory of feeling “off-balance” is still the same.
It appears we will always have external risks that cause us to be “off-balance”. My solution through time has been in finding “balance” from within. It comes from making the right decisions for the right reasons. “Balance” makes life much easier.
Some may think managing a plumbing and HVAC company with 70 employees is utter chaos. I found being “balanced” helps avoid chaos in business too. “Balance” requires organization. It requires only working with the willing and getting the right team “on the bus”. Then managing them responsibly. It also requires integrity and doing what we say we will do with no exceptions.
John Henry's Plumbing, Heating, Air, and Electrical also found it’s easier to be “balanced” when we only offer quality HVAC and plumbing products that are installed to the best of our ability. For instance, I believe Trane and Lennox HVAC products are the best. Their warranties are great and they stand behind their products. A “balanced” life requires quality air to promote health. That includes whole-house humidifiers to provide the humidity that meets recognized health levels.
A balanced life also requires good plumbing. For instance, I could not imagine going without Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) drinking water. Our bodies are 60% water. It’s healthier if the quality of our drinking water is high and does not contain 28 harmful chemicals like arsenic, pesticides, etc. R.O. water makes great ice too.
Even simple plumbing improvements like a handheld Moen shower head provide balance. It speeds up the shower time and does a better job. It’s kind of like having a garage door opener; once you have one it would be difficult to go without.
Moen touchless faucets with motion sensors are another good improvement. So are taller elongated toilets that are more comfortable with slow closing toilet lids.
A balanced life is a result of taking advantage of as many things as possible that make life easier, more organized, and healthier. This includes doing the necessary maintenance on vehicles and our homes in general including plumbing and HVAC systems to prevent future problems.
On a side note, an organization that mastered “balance” was the Husker championship football team coached by Coach Tom Osborne. He built responsible adults. Coach Scott Frost recognizes how important “balance” is on and off the field. This gives promise to producing more academic All-Americans and football teams that will compete better at Nebraska.
Life is a product of how we live our lives. Through balance all things are possible.